torsdag 9. april 2015


What is trident and why should it matter?

This article will explain what a Trident is, and a popular misconception is that it is a spear commonly used by fishermen - but that is far from the truth. A trident is something far more serious. Furthermore, a trident is a submarine nuclear missile operated by the United States navy and the royal navy. The issue is that the missile has sparked a lot of controversy in Britain. We will take a closer look on the background of the Trident, and why it has sparked such controversy.

The US Navy began  advanced studying of Undersea-long range Missile system in 1971. The Trident was developed in 1972. The Trident was a larger higher-performance missile with a range capacity greater than 6000 metres. In Britain the missile is currently located in river Clyde in Scotland.

The missile has sparked a lot of controversy in Britain because of the cost of having it regarding whether or not britain needs a nuclear missile that will cost a 100 billion pounds during the next 30 years. Some people want the nuclear missile because they do not want to give up Britain's nuclear arsenal unilaterally. In addition, it is unknown of the prime minister wants to go down as the one, in a future crisis, who had been responsible for giving up Britain's nuclear weapons.
The current missiles is set to retire in 2020 which has made the government propose new replacements. Despite the growing opposition the government has not given an option to abandon nuclear weapons.

1 kommentar:

  1. Yes, it is a controversial topic. Will be interesting to see what happens here after the election.
